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Lightning protection against strong current lightning impulse

Lightning strike has three fatal injuries
In recent years, most of the people injured by lightning in the emergency department of the hospital are still open-air operators. Once struck by lightning, it will cause three kinds of fatal injuries to human body.
One is to hurt the nerves and heart. When a strong lightning pulse current passes through the heart, the victim will have vasospasm and cardiac arrest. In severe cases, the heart will stop beating; When lightning current damages the brain nerve center, it will also stop the victim from breathing.
Second, burns. Current and voltage act on the surrounding air, resulting in local high temperature, and the instantaneous temperature can reach more than two or three thousand degrees Celsius. When a strong current passes through the body, it will cause electric burns, muscle lightning paralysis and even charring.
Third, internal injury caused by lightning shock wave. After these patients were struck by lightning, there may be nothing on the surface. In fact, there are skull fractures and visceral injuries. Some people look good when they are sent to the hospital, but they die in two or three days.
How to save after being struck by lightning
There’s nothing wrong with asking for “120″, but if you don’t do anything while waiting, you’re very wrong.
Lightning injuries often occur. People who are struck by lightning usually have cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. This may be a phenomenon of “fake death” by lightning. On site rescue should be carried out immediately.
It should be reminded that when rescuing the wounded caused by lightning, the near dead should be treated first. Rescuers should first pay attention to safety. There are lightning factors in the place of the incident. After it is transferred to a safe environment, do extrathoracic heart compression and artificial respiration at the first time, hit “120″ while doing it, and send it to the hospital until the ambulance arrives. Some people mistakenly believe that there is still electricity in the body struck by lightning and dare not touch him, resulting in the delay of rescue time.
In addition, pay attention to keep the injured warm. If there are manic, convulsive and other symptoms, cold compress the head. For the part of electric burn, under the condition of first aid, just keep it dry or wrap it up. Lightning may also cause the injured person’s clothes to catch fire. If the injured person’s clothes catch fire, let him lie down immediately so that the flame will not burn his face. You can also splash water on the injured person, or wrap the injured person with a thick coat and blanket to put out the flame. Cool the wound with cold water, then wrap it with a clean cloth and send it to the hospital for treatment.
The damage of lightning shock wave to human body is delayed. After being struck by lightning, even if you feel all right, you’d better go to the hospital for examination to confirm whether there is visceral and bone damage.
Oily skin, abnormal body temperature and mental depression are more prone to thunder
Everyone’s constitution is different, so is the biological resistance. Studies have shown that people with greasy skin, wet body, too high and too low skin temperature and mental depression have less resistance in the body, which makes them more prone to thunder. According to “current = voltage ÷ resistance”, once these people are struck by lightning, the amount of current passing through their bodies is relatively large, which is more likely to be seriously injured and killed.
Also struck by lightning, why do some people die at one stroke and some people are just injured? Experts say that under a thunderstorm, lightning strikes will actually have a certain range. Within this scope, it includes casualties caused by lightning grounding point (main discharge channel) and casualties caused by strong current near the grounding point. In general, small differences in individual height and body resistance have little impact on the effect of lightning. The degree of lightning casualties often depends on whether the location is far from the main discharge channel. People at the lightning grounding point are often killed at one stroke; In the area near the grounding point, most of the lightning victims under the action of step voltage are only injured, but the greater the distance between the two feet at that time, the greater the step voltage and the more serious the injury.
Two principles should be mastered for lightning protection: one is to stay away from objects and places that may be struck by lightning; Second, try to prevent yourself and your belongings from becoming the “target” of lightning.

Post time: Jan-04-2022