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Lightning generation explode best in the world

For a long time, thunder and lightning have brought catastrophic blows to human beings, creatures on the earth, and human civilization in the form of direct lightning strikes.Lightning disasters have been listed as one of the ten most serious natural disasters by the relevant United Nations agencies, and have been called “a major public hazard in the electronic age” by the China Electrotechnical Commission.The physical effects of high temperature, violent shock wave and strong electromagnetic radiation produced by thunder and lightning can cause huge destructive effects in an instant.It often causes casualties, destroys buildings, power supply and distribution systems, communication equipment, causes forest fires, interrupts computer information systems, burns or even explodes storage, oil refineries, oil fields, etc., endangers people’s property and personal safety, and is harmful to aerospace, etc. The means of delivery are also very threatening.According to statistics, more than two-thirds of lightning victims are attacked outdoors.Two out of every three of them survived.Among those killed by lightning, 85% were men, most of whom were between 10 and 35 years old.Most of the dead are sheltered from thunderstorms under trees.China is a country with many natural disasters, which is inseparable from its geographical location. Thunder and lightning disasters also occur in China from time to time. The most serious is the southern part of Guangdong Province. The lightning natural disasters in Dongguan, Shenzhen, and Huizhou have reached the highest level in the world. most.

Post time: Dec-16-2021