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Lightning protection should be paid attention to in summer mountain scenic spot tourism

Summer is the peak of tourism. Most people like to choose to visit famous mountains and rivers. Such scenic spots are mostly undulating mountains, surrounded by clouds, and the local microclimate is changeable. Some high mountains are more than 1000 meters above sea level. When tourists play in the mountains, they are equivalent to being in the clouds and are prone to convective weather. Therefore, it is necessary to master some basic lightning protection knowledge to avoid accidents.
Due to the obvious selectivity of lightning, isolated and prominent targets are easy to be “favored” by lightning. Objects that are easy to conduct electricity, humid areas and strata that are easy to conduct electricity, as well as places with low soil resistivity, are more likely to suffer from lightning strikes. Therefore, in case of thunderstorm during the tour, stop the tour immediately and return to your residence in time; If you can’t return in time, you should find a relatively safe place to escape nearby.
In case of Thunderstorm in the field, the following principles should be followed: do not stay on the top of the mountain, ridge, open area or the top of buildings; Do not pass near the lightning rod and its downlead, iron fence and overhead line; Don’t avoid rocks or isolated trees. Try to avoid vehicles with metal roofs, buildings with lightning protection devices or deep caves without cracks on the top. The best place for people to squat is the place where they can’t put their knees together. If they can’t put their hands and feet together, the best place to squat is the place where they can’t put their knees together. If they can’t put their hands and feet together, it’s best to lower their knees.
In addition to mastering some necessary lightning protection knowledge, we should also do: before traveling, we should roughly understand the landform of the browsing area, so as to choose a suitable place to avoid in time in case of thunderstorm; Know the local weather forecast at any time, especially pay attention to the lightning warning issued by the meteorological department; Rubber shoes should be worn when traveling in mountainous areas in summer, and umbrellas with metal handles or guide flags should not be used; Do not use mobile phones, MP3 and other wireless communication devices when encountering thunderstorms; Don’t run with big steps when thunderstorm occurs, so as to avoid casualties caused by step voltage.

Post time: Feb-14-2022