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Manufacture nitrogen fertilizer to promote biological growth and produce negative oxygen ion pollution-free energy

People know more about the disasters that thunder and lightning bring to people’s lives and property, and thunder and lightning also has its indelible “contributions” to mankind, but we don’t know enough about it.The merits of thunder and lightning are a free gift from nature to mankind.A very important achievement in the manufacture of nitrogen fertilizers is the manufacture of nitrogen fertilizers.The lightning process cannot be separated from lightning. The temperature of lightning is extremely high, generally above 30,000 degrees Celsius, which is five times the surface temperature of the sun.Lightning also causes high voltages.Under high temperature and high voltage conditions, air molecules will be ionized. When they recombine, the nitrogen and oxygen in them will combine into nitrite and nitrate molecules, which will be dissolved in the rain and fall on the ground to become natural nitrogen fertilizer.According to estimates, there are 400 million tons of nitrogen fertilizer that falls to the ground due to lightning alone every year in the world.If all these nitrogen fertilizers fall on land, it is equivalent to about two kilograms of nitrogen fertilizer applied per acre of ground, which is equivalent to ten kilograms of ammonium sulfate.Promoting biological growth Lightning can also promote biological growth.When lightning occurs, the electric field strength of the ground and sky can reach more than ten thousand volts per centimeter.Affected by such a strong potential difference, the photosynthesis and respiration of plants are enhanced. Therefore, plant growth and metabolism are particularly vigorous within one to two days after a thunderstorm.Someone used lightning to stimulate crops and found that peas branched earlier, and the number of branches increased, and the flowering period was half a month earlier; the earing of corn was seven days earlier; and the yield of cabbage increased by 15% to 20%.Not only that, if there are five to six thunderstorms in the growing season of the crop, its maturity period will also be advanced by about a week.The production of negative oxygen ion lightning energy produces negative oxygen ions.Negative oxygen ions are also called air vitamins, which can disinfect and purify the air.After a thunderstorm, the high concentration of negative oxygen ions in the air makes the air exceptionally fresh and people feel refreshed.Experiments have shown that negative oxygen ions, called “vitamins of the air”, are very beneficial to human health.Lightning is a pollution-free energy source.It can reach 1 to 1 billion joules in a single discharge, and there is the word “thunderbolt” in Chinese idioms.With this huge impact force, soft ground can be consolidated, thereby saving a lot of energy for construction projects.According to the principle of high-frequency induction heating, the high temperature generated by lightning can expand the water in the rock to achieve the purpose of breaking the rock and mining the ore.Regrettably, human beings are currently unable to use it.

Post time: Dec-13-2021