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Taking precautions against thunderstorms is related to everyone’s life safety.

Taking precautions against thunderstorms is related to everyone’s life safety.
Please keep this thunderstorm weather safety guide sorted out by Chinese education emergency!
1、 Indoor safety guide in thunderstorm days

1. Stay away from the balcony and lock the door at the first time to prevent lightning and electricity from hitting the room directly or spherical lightning from floating into the room.
2. Immediately turn off the TV, computer, electric water heater and other household appliances, and unplug the power plug to prevent lightning damage
3. Do not approach exposed metal objects indoors, such as water pipes, heating pipes, gas pipes, etc. Do not use shower, especially do not use solar hot water, so as to avoid lightning accidents caused by unsound lightning protection facilities
4. Try not to use landline or mobile phones to make or answer calls, so as to prevent the electromagnetic waves of telephone lines and mobile phones from introducing lightning and injuring people
5. Don’t stand under the light bulb. Don’t take a shower

2、 Outdoor safety guide in Thunderstorm

1. If you encounter thunderstorms outdoors, stop outdoor activities in open places immediately and leave immediately.
2. In thunderstorm weather, it is not suitable to play an umbrella in the wilderness, or hold up badminton rackets, golf clubs, hoes, etc., so as to avoid lightning accidents.
3. When the rain is too heavy, you can find a higher place to take shelter from the rain, but do not enter isolated sheds and sentry boxes in the open outdoors to avoid lightning strikes, and do not take shelter from the rain in low-lying places such as bridge openings, so as to prevent sudden floods from having time to escape.
4. Don’t stand under trees, billboards, archways or electric poles to take shelter from the rain, so as to avoid being struck by lightning or being pressed by fallen weights.
5. When avoiding the rain outdoors, don’t support the ground with your hands, hold your knees with your hands, keep your chest close to your knees, and try to lower your head to reduce the risk of lightning stroke.
6. If you encounter lightning strike outdoors and have no time to leave tall objects, you should immediately find some dry insulation on the ground and stand on it with your feet closed. Do not put your feet on the ground outside the insulation, because water can conduct electricity.
7. Do not go to places vulnerable to lightning strikes, such as high places, open fields, various open parking lots, sports grounds and windward slopes,
8. When walking outside in thunderstorm days, try to avoid and stay away from the well cover, so as not to fall into the pit because the well cover is loose or washed away by water.
9. When encountering ponding on the road, try not to wade through the water. If you have to wade through the water, carefully observe whether there are bus stop billboards, street lights, distribution boxes and other electrical facilities nearby, and confirm that there are no wires falling into the ponding, so as to avoid electric shock accidents caused by water conductivity.
Don’t drive a motorcycle, ride a bike quickly and run in the rain, so as to avoid lightning injury caused by increasing the voltage due to the excessive span of the body.

3、 Driving safety guide in thunderstorm days

1. If there is thunderstorm on the way, try to stay in the car, because the conductivity of the tires contacting the ground is low, and the probability of lightning stroke is low. Moreover, the car itself is a safety bell jar. Even if the car encounters lightning stroke, the people in the car are generally safe. At this time, staying in the car is the safest choice.
2. When the road is flooded, drive at a low speed to avoid the sudden increase of unilateral resistance caused by high-speed driving and loss of control.
3. When encountering heavy rainfall and extremely low visibility, it is necessary to turn on the headlights, front and rear fog lights and hazard warning lights in time, and it is best to stop by the roadside to avoid traffic accidents.
4. When passing through the ponding area of unknown depth, don’t take risks. If the car accidentally enters the water and stalls, leave the car as soon as possible, and first ensure your personal safety

Post time: Jul-15-2022